Now the question Is why doesn’t Cappello let Robinho play full games? And why Raul is still playing? And why he depends on two defending midfielders? All this questions around Cappello and his tactics, well I will try to answer them.
Now the question Is why doesn’t Cappello let Robinho play full games? And why Raul is still playing? And why he depends on two defending midfielders? All this questions around Cappello and his tactics, well I will try to answer them.
Cappello been on fire since his arrival to
After Ronaldo left to Milan which was a good thing for him and the team, the fans searched for a hero that could show attractive football, and the hero was basically Robinho, but Cappello had different idea’s and plans, people kept asking “why Robinho isn’t playing?” “Why is he always comes in the second half?” the answer was there in front of them and they didn’t want to see it, it is simple; Madrid lost games cause of their lack of responsibilities and each player depends on the other to do a certain job, which led the team to lose significant points. To be continued.